Cosmic Fog

Vendor: Cosmic Fog
Cosmic Fog (50VG) - USA BRAND Milk & Honey Close your eyes and imagine a vape lighter than air. You see fields of puffy marsh mallows as far as the eye can...



Cosmic Fog (50VG) - USA BRAND

Milk & Honey

  • Close your eyes and imagine a vape lighter than air. You see fields of puffy marsh mallows as far as the eye can see. The sky opens and sweet milk rains down. Open your eyes in time for the perfect note of rich honey to cap it all off. Finally you have arrived... in the land of milk and honey.

The Shocker

  • This is the perfect summertime vape! Shocking lemonade and citrus notes capped off by a medley of strawberries, apples, and mangos.

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